Murad T51

I would like to collect one of each T51 MURAD College Series Tobacco cards which were produced from 1909 to 1911.  This is a long term goal with a short term goal to collect all of the golfers.

I'm not terribly concerned with the quality of the cards (they are over 100 years old for Pete's sake), just that I get one of each card.

(Bold blue items are cards I have.)

SET TOTAL:  88/150 (58.6%)

1 Amherst/Amherst College (hammer throw)
2 Brown/Brown University (discus)
3 C.C.N.Y./College of the City of New York (pole vault)
4 California/University of California (track athlete)
5 Columbia/Columbia (shot put)
6 Cornell/Cornell (rowing crew)
7 Dartmouth/Dartmouth College (wooded scene)
8 Denver/University of Denver (hurdles)11
9 Fordham/Fordham University (baseball-fielder)
10 Harvard/Harvard (football game)
11 Illinois/University of Illinois (pennant only)
12 Kansas/University of Kansas (hammer throw)
13 Michigan/University of Michigan (football player)
14 Missouri/ University of Missouri (pennant only)
15 N.Y.U./New York University (high jump)
16 Pennsylvania/ University of Pennsylvania (pennant only)
17 Princeton/Princeton (hammer throw)
18 Rochester/Rochester (ice hockey)
19 State/Pennsylvania State College (baseball-batter)
20 Swarthmore/Swarthmore College (lacrosse game)
21 Syracuse/Syracuse University (long jump)
22 Texas/ Texas University (rowing-single)
23 Washington & Jefferson/ Washington and Jefferson (athlete w/pole)
24 Williams/ Williams College (basketball game)
25 Yale/Yale (athlete w/ pole)

SERIES 26-50
26 Adelphi/Adelphi College (tennis player)
27 Alfred University/Alfred University (student-graduate)
28 B (Bowdoin)/Bowdoin College (track athlete)
29 No title (on seal)/Bucknell University (swimming scene)
30 C (Cincinnati)/University of Cincinnati (track runner)
31 C U of K/Central University of Kentucky (shot put)
32 Dickinson/Dickinson College (track athlete)
33 Indiana/Indiana University (golfing scene)
34 Minnesota/University of Minnesota (track athlete)
35 Northwestern/Northwestern University (basketball game)
36 Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn/Polytechnic Institute (tennis player)
37 Rutgers/Rutgers College (track athlete)
38 S.U.K./State University of Kentucky (baseball player)
39 S.U.N.D./University of North Dakota (football player)
40 St. Lawrence/St Lawrence University (rower w/pole)
41 Tennessee/ University of Tennessee (polo scene)
42 Trinity/Trinity College (track-three runners)
43 Tufts College/Tufts College (football player)
44 U of C/University of Colorado (long jump)
45 University of Chicago/University of Chicago (track athlete)
46 V U/Vanderbilt University (track runners)
47 Vermont/ University of Vermont (discus)
48 W V U/West Virginia University (golfing scene)
49 Washington & Lee University/ Washington & Lee University (track athlete)
50 Wisconsin/ University of Wisconsin (students-graduates)
SERIES 51-75
51 Armour/Armour Institute of Technology (snow skiing)
52 B (Berea)/Berea College (polo scene)
53 Baker/Baker University (golfers w/clubs)
54 C (Colgate)/Colgate University (football game)
55 D (Drake)/Drake University (duck hunting)
56 G.W./The George Washington University (rowing-single)
57 Georgetown/ Georgetown University (track runner)
58 Grove City/Grove City College (pennant & leaves)
59 H(Johns Hopkins) */The Johns Hopkins University (lacrosse player)
60 Holy Cross College/Holy Cross College (pennant & wreath)
61 Iowa College/Iowa College (canoeing)
62 Juniata College/Juniata College (fishing scene)
63 L (Lehigh)/Lehigh University (cricket)
64 L U/Lawrence University (hunting scene)
65 Mount Union College/Mount Union College (sailing)
66 P (Purdue)/Purdue University (golfer at tee)
67 P I (Pratt)/Pratt University (ice skating)
68 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute/ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (hunting in canoe)
69 T (M.I.T.)/Massachusetts Institute of Technology (tennis match)
70 No title (on seal)/ The University of Oklahoma (hunting/shooting)
71 No title (on seal)/ University of Chattanooga (hurdles)
72 University of South Carolina/University of South Carolina (golf scene)
73 W.P.I./Worcester Polytechnic Institute (track athlete)
74 Wesleyan/Wesleyan University (pennant only)
75 Whitman/ Whitman College (ice skating)

SERIES 76-100
76 Adrian College/Adrian College (snow shoes/rifle)
77 Allegheny/Allegheny College (fishing scene)
78 Boston/Boston College (pole vault)
79 C.C./Carthage College (fishing scene)
80 Canisius/Canisius College (track runner)
81 Clark/Clark University (spear fishing)
82 Denison/Denison University (camping-cooking)
83 Illinois/Illinois College (golfer)
84 Knox/Knox College (bird hunting)
85 M C/Millsaps College (golf)
86 M U/Marquette University (hammer throw)
87 Michigan Agricultural College/Michigan Agricultural (threshing machine)
88 N.W.C. North Western College (back pack/hiking)
89 Navy/U.S. Naval Academy (ship)
90 Notre Dame/Univ. of Notre Dame (shot put)
91 O.C./Occidental College (rifle shooting)
92 O.S.U./Ohio State University (baseball-pitcher)
93 Ohio/Ohio University (ice skating)
94 Ohio Wesleyan University/Ohio Wesleyan University (shot put)
95 Penn College/Penn College (camping scene
96 Stanford/Leland Stanford Junior University
97 Thos. S. Clarkson/Clarkson School Tech (train engine)
98 Virginia/Univ. of Virginia (track athlete)
99 W.R.U./Western Reserve University (rifle/snowshoe)
100 West Point/US Military Academy (cannons and Hudson River)

SERIES 101-125
101 Amity/Amity College (camping scene)
102 Buchtel/Buchtel College (football player)
103 C.S.A.S./Case School of Applied Science (track runner)
104 Coe/Coe College (canoeing)
105 Davidson College/ Davidson College (hikers/campers)
106 Furman/Furman University (bird calling)
107 Greer/Greer College (student-graduate)
108 H (Hamilton)/Hamilton College (cabin scene)
109 H (Haverford)/Haverford College (baseball-fielder)
110 H I (Hampton)/Hampton Normal and Agricultural (wheat field)
111 Hastings/Hastings College inst. (shooting moose)
112 Heidelberg/Heidelberg University (fish & rod)
113 Hendrix/Hendrix College (hunting)
114 Huron/Huron College (pole vault)
115 Kenyon/Kenyon College (rowing crew)
116 Lenox/Lenox College (hiking scene)
117 No title (on seal)/Lombard College (swimmer-diving)
118 Louisiana State University/Louisiana State University (pennant only)
119 Loyola College/Loyola College (fishing scene)
120 Luther/Luther College (basketball player)
121 Marietta/Marietta College (canoeing scene)
122 McGill/McGill University (tobogganing)
123 Montana/Univ. of Montana (western scene)
124 Stevens/Stephens Inst. of Technology ** (lacrosse)
124 Toronto/Univ. of Toronto (snow shoeing)

SERIES 126-150
126 Albright/Albright College (hurdles)
127 Alma/Alma College (shooting moose)
128 Antioch/Antioch College baseball-runner)
129 B U/Boston University (lamp with flame)
130 Bates/Bates College (hunting in snow)
131 Bethany/Bethany College (baseball-pitcher)
132 Blackburn,, Blackburn College (duck hunting)
133 C.U.A./The Catholic University of America (hammer throw)
134 Cedarville/Cedarville College (pennant & wreath)
135 Central/Central College (sailing scene)
136 Cotner/Cotner University (fishing scene)
137 De Pauw/De Pauw University (track runner)
138 F (Franklin)/ Franklin College (canoeing scene
139 Geneva/Geneva College (skiing w/pole)
140 Guilford/Guilford College (rifle shooting)
141 Gustavus Adolphus/Gustavus Adolphus College (tennis player)
142 Hampden Sidney/Hampden-Sidney College (pennant only)
143 Hiram/Hiram College (pole vault)
144 Hiwassee/Hiwassee College (horseback scene)
145 Hobart/Hobart College (lacrosse game)
146 K.W.C./Kentucky Wesleyan College (baseball-pitcher)
147 Lafayette/Lafayette College (sailing scene)
148 Lebanon/Lebanon University (shot put)
149 St LU./St Louis University (sailing scene)
150 Xavier/Xavier College (basketball-player)