I was greeted by the following message from the PONY Express in my mailbox today:
Well, you know I do! And the Royals were great!
O-Pee-Chee Brett? Need it! Johnny Damon in a Wilmington Blue Rocks jersey? Need it! Bud Black's O-Pee-Chee mustache? WANT IT!!!!!
But, as great as these Royals were, there was one particular card that will immediately be added to my "If the house is on fire, be sure to grab this drawer of cards" drawer.
First, the back.
That's right, this card was inspired by a twitter conversation. I can be found at the @Lundog handle, so feel free to follow me while I retweet people who are funnier than I am and occasionally post one of my inane thoughts. Anyway, back to the card.
As most of you have figured out by now, the card is a sketch of Luke Hochevar by the
Cardboard Junkie. This is the second sketch card package I've received from the Junkie, the first being a "
Build Your Own Moustachas" card set.
While this sketch isn't as interactive as the Moustachas cards were, it is equally kick-ass and once again proves that the card-blogosphere (and card-twittersphere) is the greatest collection of human beings on the earth.
The ears are my favorite part of the sketch and, coincidentally, my favorite feature of Hoch. As I look at this card, I begin wishing that dayf had a public-access-style internet show where he walks us through his process of sketching cards.
Thanks for the great card dayf! I owe you big time.