Sunday, November 27, 2011

MOvember Fave Five -- Cards That Didn't Make the Set

Today's Fave Five features cards that didn't make the set for one reason or another.

FIVE -- Yankee Stadium Legacies
The biggest reason they didn't make the set was their odd numbering didn't fit into the FrankenSet parameters.  Also, No Goose = No Entry.

FOUR -- High Numbers
I had to stop the set somewhere and 700 seemed like the place to end it (which turned out to be 703  even though it should have ended on 702 but somewhere along the way my page numbering got goofed and I didn't have time to go back through and fix them).

THREE -- Tough to Tell Mustaches
Sometimes, for one reason or another, it was tough to tell if the player was sporting a mustache in that particular picture.

TWO -- Modern Reprints
Another tough call, but I decided more often than not to leave the reprints out of the set unless it filled a vacant sleeve when I received it.

ONE -- Overproduction Era Mustaches
The reason I started the Mustache Set in the first place was that I wanted a reason to appreciate the boxes upon boxes of overproduction era cards I had sitting around.  So, when the set began, it was mostly cards from 1987-1994.  Then, as older or more unique cards started rolling in, these junk-wax cards got set to the side, and then came full circle when they became unappreciated again. 


Fuji said...

Love the 87 Topps mustache collage!

Josh D. said...

How dare you not appreciate Tom Brookens's lustrous 1987 'stache! I demand that you un-un-un-unappreciate it! :-)